Forms and Templates

Case Forms

Acknowledgement of Client Confidentiality (pdf)

GAL affiliates of the Wyoming Office of Guardian ad Litem that may have access to confidential client information are required to sign and submit this form before commencing work as a Program affiliate.

Acknowledgement to Not Give Legal Advice (pdf)

Giving legal advice is prohibited by Wyoming Office of Guardian ad Litem Administrative Staff, law school student externs, and Program volunteers. These affiliates are required to complete this form before commencing work as a Program Affiliate.

Request for Appointment of New GAL (pdf)

GALs appointed to a Wyoming Office of Guardian ad Litem Case may encounter a conflict of interest during the course of their representation. If and when this happens, this form is required prior to withdrawing from the case at which time the Agency will maintain representation of the case and shall file a Notice of Substitution with the court.

Yearly CLE Compliance Check & Affidavit (pdf)

GALs appointed to any panel of the Wyoming Office of Guardian ad Litem must complete this form to certify and acknowledge that they have  attained five annual hours of CLE in child welfare training. This affidavit should be submitted each calendar year to the Wyoming Office of Guardian ad Litem Administrative Offices.